


Class hierarchy

A point in time represents the combination of a date and a time, whereby the possible types from both classes can be mixed as desired. In the simplest case, a current date is combined with a point in time. When generating the time point, it is "empty", i.e. it does not contain any information about a time or a date.


  1. "On 7 March 1996 at 15.20"
  2. "On 7 March 1996 from 15.20 to 17.00"
  3. "From 7 to 9 March 1996, every day from 15.20 to 17.00"
  4. "Every penultimate Monday of the month from 8.00 to 10.00"
Code example:

In diesem Beispiel-Programm wird überprüft, ob das Datum "11.11.1996" in dem Datum des Zeitpunktes "8.3.1996" enthalten ist. 

Var(date1, date2, term)       // generiere das Datum und den Zeitpunkt
CreateTransObject(CX_DATE) -> date1   "8.3.1996"   date1 Put
CreateTransObject(CX_DATE) -> date2   "11.11.1996" date2 Put
CreateTransObject(CX_DATETIME) -> term    date1 term SetReference(date)
date2 term Call(Comprise)     // überprüfe die Daten

Da das Datum nicht in dem Datum des Zeitpunktes enthalten ist, wird ein leeres Objekt zurückgeliefert. 


Operator Brief description
>, <, = Compare

List of methods (MDI)
Function MA* Parameters Return Brief description
Comprise (OBJECT) OBJECT Check whether a specific date is included in the time
EndOfTerm OBJECT End of the date
NextTerm (OBJECT) OBJECT the date within the date
Normalize Normalising the time
StartOfTerm OBJECT Start of the time
string INTEGER CX_STRING Returns the string representation of the object

* MA = Member Access Function

Data directory (DDI)
Data field Type Reference class I* Brief description
cycles INTEGER
time POINTER CX_TIME Any time or NULL
date POINTER CX_DATE Any date or NULL

* I = Indexable data field

Use in AppsWH
Module Brief description